Lewis & Leigh


I have a bit of news… 


Last summer when I was on tour with Matthew Perryman Jones, I met Al Lewis, a Welsh singer-songwriter living here in London. Al did his last album with producer Charlie Peacock in Nashville and did some writing with several Nashville writers – including MPJ. In December, Al invited me to play Music From the Market, a night he curates in Tooting Market. In the new year, we made a plan to do some writing together as he was starting to put together songs for his next album. One sunny Monday in early February I rode the Northern line ALL the way to Tooting and Al and I wrote this alt-country duet in 3 hours flat! I was buzzing for weeks after we knocked that one out. So we tried for another – a folky waltz. Then we set ourselves a challenge with a certain BPM – and zing! Done! Still time for a trip to the pub (always). This is when Al will say – “Don’t jinx us!” He’s probably right… I’m getting too smug. Well after we had written 3, Al sends me a text and says – why don’t we do this as a duo? Instead of you just singing on the songs? I was, of course, thrilled. And grinning like an idiot. I love Al’s music and enjoyed writing with him so much. Screen Shot 2014-05-15 at 08.16.44

So fast forward to this week – we’ve recorded 4 tunes at Urchin Studios with a lovely engineer, Matt Ingram. Here’s me & Al recording vocals together. And below, Al recording acoustic with CJ Jones on drums and Michael McEvoy on bass. Today we’re headed to Mike’s studio to do a few overdubs.

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I am thrilled to be working with Al – such a lovely and talented fella. Stay tuned for tour dates and releases!

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