stage fright

A few months back I had a reoccurring dream. I was at a venue, standing off stage, about to begin my set. The rest of the band was on stage, playing the first few bars of a song before I walked out. But I couldn’t tie my shoe. I was standing on one foot, falling all over myself, and I just couldn’t get it tied! The band kept playing that intro over and over again, staring at me, waiting for me to come out and start the song! I love it when your subconscious is not so “sub.”

Ever since I took a show in a few weeks (March 16th at Exit/In!) I haven’t had the dream. I am still silently freaking out–I haven’t performed since July 2010. Under a veneer of excitement and self-promotion (sorry in advance…) I am scared shitless. I know it’s part of my job, and it will get easier. But I think I have some stage fright.

Photo from the Life Archives – the beginning Marlene Dietrich’s show for warfront troops (I wonder what my dream would have been if I only needed to show my shoe!)

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