Author Archives: alvaadmin

Isn’t It Enough?


Happy National Poetry Day! Hope your day is filled with beautiful words – go make something!

See more pictures from my trip to Rome and read some reflections on Beautiful Ruins here.

Guest Post on A Sacred Journey: The Other Side of A Mirror



I’m sharing my final post as the Pilgrim in Residence on A Sacred Journey. I had to learn how to feel at home in a place that was so foreign to where I came from. Sure, I came to London for a summer school but that was just a glorified vacation with other students for some college credit. Since I’ve lived here, I feel like I’ve had to expect more from myself, learn more about where I come from and which parts make up who I really am. It’s like I stepped onto the other side of the mirror and saw myself through the lens of another culture.

Read more about what I saw:

Rome, Italy


I went to Rome for the first time a month ago and it put a spell on me. I was deeply moved by the art, the ruins, the colors. I didn’t take many pictures while I was there because I wanted to process things the old fashioned way – looking with my eyes not my iPhone. Read on for a few memories from our 3 nights in Roma.

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