wanna do some writing exercises? sounds like fun, right? i did this exercise a few mornings last week and it really got my brain going. like i was doing language burpees. i found myself thinking about verbs in the shower. at the sink doing dishes. verbs verbs verbs.
this is exercise (no. 8) from pat pattinson’s book writing better lyrics. you should try it! you can write better love letters or snark – whatever your potion.
pat challenges you to develop the habit of looking. he says every fresh and exciting metaphor resides in a breathtaking collision. we should look at the characteristics of an idea in order to discover the unusual commonalities.
here are a few that i came up with:
stately whisper / deafening truth / crystal sun / pavement sleeps / flexible ego
don’t judge… i’m just getting started.
side note: i’ve been working in evernote for these free-writing exercises. that way i never lose anything and, let’s be honest, who can write faster than they can type? (do you think there is a DJ GWAM? just checked – yep!)
content from pat pattinson’s 2009 book writing better lyrics
will and i went hiking at hampstead heath a few weeks ago on a saturday afternoon. the heath brings the countryside to the city – 500 acres of open, untamed space. after a long hike, we had a pub lunch and browsed a few shops on the high street. a relaxing afternoon outdoors – hard to believe we were just a few tube stops away from home!
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