Category Archives: WORDS TO LIVE BY

words to live by: make waves


Trying to make waves in my corner of the ocean. Maybe you can feel the sway.

“Creative work is not a selfish act or a bid for attention on the part of the actor. It’s a gift to the world and every being in it. Don’t cheat us of your contribution. Give us what you’ve got.” – Steven Pressfield, The War of Art

quote from the very compelling opinion piece in the New Yorker on Trayvon Martin, Eudora Welty & Medgar Evers

can’t find the image location – from the tumblr/pinterest rabbit hole

Giving a Damn

What is casual about success? I think you have to care. That you should care. Otherwise, why should anyone else? What’s so bad about ‘giving a damn’ in the first place? 

There have been so many opinions going around the web since Anne Hathaway’s Oscar win – everyone is coming out of the woodwork to throw their stones or wave her flag. But I was really impressed by Sasha Weiss’ smart defense of Anne Hathaway in the New Yorker. Hathaway’s been called Hollywood’s most polarizing star, and many say it’s not that they are jealous of her, it’s that they don’t trust her persona. They find her inauthentic. What I don’t understand is…Continue Reading


do you work on deadlines? i find they really help me stay focused and meet my goals. for some they squash creativity, but for me i really thrive in the pressure as long as i plan ahead and give myself enough space to be creative.

i am in the final stages of making plans to return to nashville in may to make my third album. i recorded a few songs before i moved, but i don’t want to release them just yet. i have been writing so much since i moved to london, i feel that some of my best work is starting to surface. at the end of 2012, i set a goal to write a song a week by may 1st. very happy and amazed that i have met my goal so far this year. i think the looming deadline of may has pushed me to put my head down and finish songs. i think i finished 2 songs in 2011. wow. i have finished 7 in 2013. 9 more to go! wish me luck…

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