Category Archives: WORDS TO LIVE BY

words to live by no. 3

The latest GOOP newsletter has an inspiring interview with Gay & Kate Hendricks on their theory about participating in ‘co-committed’ relationships rather than co-dependent ones. I highly recommend it–you will find it relevant for all your relationships. Read the entire article here.

Photo from That Kind of Woman

words to live by no. 2

found at lox papers

words to live by no. 1

A friend, a visual artist, once told me this when I was prepping for an interview (I think it was our way of convincing them I wasn’t a flake…ha!) But I’ve always tried to apply it to my creative life. I’m a certified people-pleaser, comparer-of-self-to-others, and her words have helped me keep my head down and keep working.

Original image found on Kate Arends’ tumblr. My design inspired by DesignLoveFest.

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© 2014 Alva Leigh