Category Archives: WRITING

a valentine’s day

will and i had a very special first valentine’s together… it was 2006. i’ll never forget it.

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keeping a notebook

do you keep a notebook or a diary?  i still have mine from high school. but lately, i have become very dependent on evernote. i throw everything into it and i like using it for free-writing. i have this dream of having song ideas and writing concepts tagged with certain moods or characters so they can be easily searchable. has that happened yet? nope. it sounded good in my head.

i think writing things down helps you remember things, but also who you are in the moment of your remembering. it’s not always the most factual re-telling but you collect bits and pieces from reality to build your story – whether it is for fiction or for your own memories. i have some memories where i have added props, characters, and lines that are maybe true. you know… maybe we didn’t eat catfish on 4th of july in 1993 but that’s how i remember it – a kind of harmless fiction. they help me remember how i felt, how i saw it all.

but joan didion really says it best. read the whole essay. i heard about it on brain pickings.

what a year it’s been // part two

if you missed the (very extensive) part one recap of my year, i shared everything up until our move to london. it is wild to see it all laid out… i have had a crazy year but the best part was putting all of our possessions in the attic and moving to london (explore all my london posts here).

we landed at heathrow on the morning september 9th. our flight was early even though we had to RUN through the boston airport. we were without phones, so i don’t have a lot of photos from this time. our sweet friend milla picked us up from the airport with all of our stuff and kept us company while we waited for check-in. our relocation service put us up in a short term rental in notting hill while we looked for our flat.

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