Category Archives: SONGWRITING

In the studio

Andrew White came to visit the studio and took some photos of me recording vocals & piano for “Come Home” – if you follow me on Vine, you can hear a clip from the string session for that song.

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Allie_EastStudio_AWhite_2013_Digi_2500 (10 of 13)

Music & Advertising Interview


One of my best friends is a bonafide ad man. He interviewed me and a composer about music’s role in an advertising. Here is a snapshot of the article where I share some of my favorite UK ads. You can’t deny, there are some really good ones out there! Continue Reading

Studio Vibes

Here are some shots from the studio last week. We did pre-production while I caught up with my family and got some quality time with my nephews (on bumper cars).



We tracked drums yesterday with Bobby Huff and while John is editing today, I am catching up on my networks.

Hope y’all are all doing okay. I kinda miss my blog… what’s going on in the world?

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