it’s hard to write a real love song

I have been trying to write a love song (I know, really original content), but I really struggled to tell this story without some sort of cliche. It’s hard to express the difficult side of love: the fear, the give-and-take, the selfishness. Then still say why modern, enlightened people choose to do it. Because you can’t just outsource all the things you like about love (or marriage, in my case) and ultimately be fulfilled.

If you have loved someone for years, I respect your courage to be fully present with another person for that long. I tried to write a song that shows love as a choice, a devotion, a constant rearranging to make room for another soul. The way you come to that decision – that is your love story.

image from le love

3 Responses to it’s hard to write a real love song

  1. abbyleigh says:

    this is all good and true and hard.

    i wonder sometimes if it makes it easier to be able to struggle with it while trying to put it into words, like wouldn’t all the same toughness be there if you weren’t an artist? wouldn’t it just sit and rot for lack of air?

    i think it’s good to fight for the words and to, like you say, constantly rearrange for the other person. i can’t wait to hear the song!


  2. Selfishness comes in when you are not willing to compromise and understand the other person is a seperate and independant thinker. We want to project what we think is right or wrong to our spouse but they do not see things our way. Are you willing to compromise and understand? Love will give this understanding if you can put your needs aside. Life is a journey and having someone by your side is a special thing I hope that you find those things that make you whole without giving up that important part. devotion comes from the love and respect your spouse gives back it is a two way street. Courage is when you put your faith out there depending on that other person not to let you down. But let down is a part of life we are not immune to so it takes courage to not let it break a special relationship. What are you willing to give and what is he willing to give? Let us not forget that take is also an element? Find a couple that has been married for years and you will get stories of great joy but make sure you ask about the struggles since we seem to forget how hard it is to get where we are.

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