Guest Post on ‘A Sacred Journey’ – The Long Goodbye


Nearly two years ago to the day, we boarded a plane for London. It’s shocking to me how quickly those two years have gone. We’ve grown to love London and view it as our home now. Will might be wrapping his degree up this time next year, and the “What’s Next” questions all come back into play. But we have been already been scheming ways that will keep us here for several more years. 

Every Wednesday this month I’m reflecting on my relocation process at my friend Lacy’s blog, A Sacred Journey. Yesterday I focused on the leaving – how that felt like a job on its own. I wanted to give Nashville a proper goodbye because I wasn’t sure if we’d ever live there again. I mean, never say never, but I don’t think it would be the right fit for both of us. So when we did leave, the letting go ended up being more work than I thought – I boarded that plane emotionally drained. Wow, saying goodbye to all these people who loved you made you tired? Aww poor you! And you got on a plane to London. Things are so hard for you. 

I know, I know – what a sentimental asshole. But my arms were tired with all the letting go - it was stressful, exhausting, fast-paced. But looking back, I think I made it a lot harder on myself. I manufactured all the flurry, the fanfare to prove to myself that I was going to be missed. I was the one making the goodbye so long, dragging it out to give those last 7 years another layer of meaning. When really – who cares if I’m missed? Two years in, it’s not like I want to live anywhere else.


The hilarious “Decision Day Reveal” cake  |  Our Nashville apartment  |  In Nashville Covers EP

2 Responses to Guest Post on ‘A Sacred Journey’ – The Long Goodbye

  1. Robin says:

    Oh lady, I hear you. It’s such a weird place to be in emotionally and mentally to not know for sure where you’ll be in the future, especially when small details like residence visas play a role. Thinking of you!

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