Category Archives: LONDON

Guest Post on A Sacred Journey: The Other Side of A Mirror



I’m sharing my final post as the Pilgrim in Residence on A Sacred Journey. I had to learn how to feel at home in a place that was so foreign to where I came from. Sure, I came to London for a summer school but that was just a glorified vacation with other students for some college credit. Since I’ve lived here, I feel like I’ve had to expect more from myself, learn more about where I come from and which parts make up who I really am. It’s like I stepped onto the other side of the mirror and saw myself through the lens of another culture.

Read more about what I saw:

Guest Post on A Sacred Journey: A New Kind of Residency


I’m sharing the third instalment of my pilgrimage to London on Lacy’s blog today, all about a new concept of residency. I was a little listless when I moved over to London, unsure how to get this whole music thang going. All good things come from your best friend so I can’t accept any credit for this idea – it was all her. She suggested I think of this time as a ‘residency’ – like in medical school – where I have to do everything before I choose what I truly want to do. She was applying it to her new career in nonprofits, and her wisdom is very transferrable to other paths, other careers.

Read more about my ‘residency’ on A SACRED JOURNEY:


Guest Post on A Sacred Journey – The Awkward In-Between



When I left you last week, I had boarded the plane to Heathrow. I said my long goodbye and moved on to something new, something completely unknown.

All of the excitement and anticipation wore off pretty quickly after Will went to orientation and I had to do a lot of … waiting. Waiting to move in, for a phone, for a bank account, for someone to email me back. This move has been a big lesson in letting go, taking risks. But before I learned that lesson, I spent some time in the awkward in-between, growing uncomfortable enough to eventually turn my thoughts inward.

Read about the next step in my relocation to London:

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