Category Archives: SONGWRITING

there is only the trying


I’ve had one of those weeks where I’ve been staring at the piano. I am trying to clock my 40 hours each week, but I had to coax myself away from a performance review. I can become a person that has to tick all the boxes and get everything perfect. But the songs I create from that place are just shit, so I came away from the piano (even though it’s beautiful & new), looking for a reset and picked up Eliot’s Four Quartets again.

I was reminded that my sitting down every day is another attempt, a new beginning. But it has to be more than just staring at the piano, praying to the muses for a rhyme. I must wrangle my past, dust off some shabby words and begin the eternal task of saying the thing I’ll never really be able to say. Because every song, every hour clocked is “a different kind of failure” — it’s already been said. But, as Eliot says: “For us, there is only the trying. The rest is not our business.”

Excerpt from “East Coker” by T. S. Eliot - read the whole poem here 

“Wild Grape” by American artist ELLSWORTH KELLY (image)/ fascinating interview with him here where I felt echoes of Eliot and my thoughts on work & accomplishment

What do you think? How do you keep working when you like it’s all been done before? How do you reset?


wanna do some writing exercises? sounds like fun, right? i did this exercise a few mornings last week and it really got my brain going. like i was doing language burpees. i found myself thinking about verbs in the shower. at the sink doing dishes. verbs verbs verbs.

this is exercise (no. 8) from pat pattinson’s book writing better lyrics. you should try it! you can write better love letters  or snark – whatever your potion.

pat challenges you to develop the habit of looking. he says every fresh and exciting metaphor resides in a breathtaking collision. we should look at the characteristics of an idea in order to discover the unusual commonalities.

here are a few that i came up with:

stately whisper / deafening truth / crystal sun / pavement sleeps / flexible ego

don’t judge… i’m just getting started.

side note: i’ve been working in evernote for these free-writing exercises. that way i never lose anything and, let’s be honest, who can write faster than they can type? (do you think there is a DJ GWAM? just checked – yep!)

content from pat pattinson’s 2009 book writing better lyrics

circle dots credit :: pugly pixel

blog highlights – 2012

this blog is my creative catch-all. just like an athlete goes to the gym everyday, this blog is my attempt at a consistent creative workout. in order to write my best songs, i have to be processing ideas and thinking out loud – that’s just how my brain works. i love art and its power to explore your emotions and take you to a place you never imagined. i love art that startles you with beauty and reveals it in the strangest places. that’s the art i’m trying to make and i really gotta work at it if i’m going to get there.

this has been a year of inspiration, discipline and courage for me. thank you to my readers – i hope you find something here that can inspire and challenge you. in 2013, this blog will become more about writing, workflow, ideas, advice and new music!  don’t get me wrong, i’m still going to post gift guides and the occasional style update, but the conversation will shift a little. hope you’ll chime in. if you ever have any suggestions, ideas, comments, please email me and let me know what you’d like to see here. i would love to hear from you.

here are my favorite moments from the blog this year–

MAKING VIDEOS and sharing them with you. since i’m not exactly touring right now, think of it as your own personal house show.

all iPHONE VIDEOS: a valentine’s day cover | a hymn for holy week | an original postcard song

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