Category Archives: SONGWRITING

a song for holy week

Don’t know if you are into the whole Easter thing, but I heard this hymn on Sunday and thought the melody was so haunting and beautiful. Enjoy!

For more information on the song, click “more.”Continue Reading

go listen to some music

Seriously, what happened to March? I feel like I was just saying the same thing about February! I’m sorry I’ve been light on the posting this week, friends. I’ve been planning something special for the blog, and may not post every day until I’m ready to launch the series. What is going on with you this weekend? There are SO many great live shows in Nashville this weekend. Here’s some I’m hoping not to miss:

The Electric Hearts at Mercy Lounge tonight- FREE (21+) whoa that girl’s voice! I also love their site & new branding- very cool, y’all!

Fleming & John make their return to the stage after, what, ten years? At a benefit show for Kim Collins tomorrow night at Mercy ($15). I also love this band because John produced my last record and new EP, and Fleming has, well, taken care of me? They’re essential to my Nashville family. Don’t miss them or the chance to support Kim!

Some music-related link love:

Great Nashville music blog Lockland Springsteen from the new-to-town Marissa Moss

Get a free download of Dent May’s new track  “Best Friend” from his new record Do Things – It takes me back to the blissful summer of 2004 where we drove around in an El Camino listening to Pet Sounds 

Shit Songwriters Say - the ridiculous conversations of Music Row

East Nashville music scene gets some love in the Guardian – you know, the cool kids in town ( i live on the west side – ha!)

Some photos from the Alva Leigh / Lulu Mae / Action! show 2 weeks ago – Yes, I’m rocking a crop top

Have a good weekend! Go listen to some music! xo

one of my local heroes: natalie prass- “your fool”

A beautiful song from my friend Natalie Prass (and look at that necktie – coolest of cool), buy it on Bandcamp and check out her website here.

Natalie Prass – Your Fool (Live @ The Earl) from J Trav on Vimeo.

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