Category Archives: SONGWRITING

it’s hard to write a real love song

I have been trying to write a love song (I know, really original content), but I really struggled to tell this story without some sort of cliche. It’s hard to express the difficult side of love: the fear, the give-and-take, the selfishness. Then still say why modern, enlightened people choose to do it. Because you can’t just outsource all the things you like about love (or marriage, in my case) and ultimately be fulfilled.

If you have loved someone for years, I respect your courage to be fully present with another person for that long. I tried to write a song that shows love as a choice, a devotion, a constant rearranging to make room for another soul. The way you come to that decision – that is your love story.

image from le love

3 videos (and songs)

Here are three videos and songs that I keep coming back to lately for inspiration.

Youth Lagoon – “Montana”  The video expands on the emotion of the song to tell a beautiful story.

Kate Bush – “Running Up That Hill”  I love this song and how the choreography is another layer of narration to the video. And, Kate Bush is such a good dancer!

Beyonce – “Countdown”  This song is my anthem for 2012. And the choreography in this video is jaw-dropping. “Ladies if you love your man, show him your the fly-est” –Best kinda love song.


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