Category Archives: TRAVEL

Somewhere off Le Cher

Processed with VSCOcam with m3 preset

Last week I returned from four magical days in rural France… Continue Reading

birthday at brent’s

my sister-in-law & i celebrated our birthdays with will’s family at the old brent’s diner in jackson, mississippi. they have opened a speakeasy in the back called the apothecary where we enjoyed some whiskey drinks and boudin hotdogs (yes that’s what i said). i love the south.  feels good to be home.




Studio Vibes

Here are some shots from the studio last week. We did pre-production while I caught up with my family and got some quality time with my nephews (on bumper cars).



We tracked drums yesterday with Bobby Huff and while John is editing today, I am catching up on my networks.

Hope y’all are all doing okay. I kinda miss my blog… what’s going on in the world?

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© 2014 Alva Leigh