Category Archives: SONGWRITING

my nashville five

i was featured on the boss of all blogs – nashville’s lockeland springsteen – check out the five things i miss most about nashville HERE

hope you’re having a good week! i’ve been keeping alva sr. busy – will be back with a full report (with photos) next week! it’s a beautiful fall day in london, we’re going to the south bank! happy tuesday – thinking of all the sandies on the east coast.

if it be your will

pandora ad

it’s really awesome when this happens. “ordinary day” is being used in the fall campaign for pandora jewelry! we recorded a new version for the company, changing the chorus lyric from “spring” to “fall.” i’m giving the song away for free in exchange for one valid email address! see the widget below then share it!

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© 2014 Alva Leigh